Monday, December 11, 2017

Wandering around Oaxaca City, Mexico

Perhaps the most photographed spot in Oaxaca .... the OAXACA sign, with the spectacular Santo Domingo Temple in the background
A good place to start off wandering around Oaxaca City.

There seems an endless supply of surprising combinations of walls and flowers

Perhaps my favorite, as this wall truly seems to be crumbling away, and returning back to nature. So many little details of it's life as wall, and supporter of art even.

One of many entryways to restaurants that entice the passerby to come on in.

Windowsill flowers gone wild?

I love the street art of Oaxaca City, and the variety is amazing.

There is a message here somewhere.

Looking for a live turkey? Look no further than the ever amazing Abastos market.

Christmas is coming. But don't try to rob someone at the ATM machine!

Back to my own neighborhood, I see there is a small plant growing from the buttress of the San Felipe del Agua church. And, another great example of history written in stone.

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