Friday, August 11, 2017

Oaxaca celebration of Indigenous Pueblos, Aug. 11, 2017

A relatively small event, set up where such events are often placed, just north of the Temple Santo Domingo. I have to say, these small events, and events that take place in the villages surrounding Oaxaca City, are my favorites. If you want to see some of the joy that villagers bring to Oaxaca, be sure to watch the final video through to the end. 

Lots of shopping opportunities

Traditional healers at work, right from their stall. 

Some great folk music right in the center of things
My first time to see a harp in a local performance

I found this spontaneous dancing to be extremely joyful.  This final video is close to 10 minutes long, but worth watching to the end. I think it says why I'm living in Oaxaca better than anything else I've posted. 

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