Monday, May 15, 2017

The annual Blessing of the Animals, San Felipe del Agua, May 15th.

Right about this date rains are likely to come after a long dry spell, and, when enough rain does fall, the planting of the corn begins. Among lots of other animals, the bulls are blessed, before the work of plowing the fields gets underway.  Again, click on any photo to see full sized, and access slide show.

But this photo is jumping ahead. For me it began when I heard an unusual amount of cow mooing in the street in front of my 2nd story apartment. Looking out the window, it didn't take long to realize it was the annual Blessing of the Animals day. Leaning out from my small balcony, and extending my arm, I got this shot of the animals gathering in front of the local church. 

You can click on any of the photos to see larger.

 These two tethered together bulls didn't much like the idea of water tossed on them, and backed away as the priest approached. They got their blessing from a considerable distance. 

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