Saturday, May 20, 2017

A young man from San Felipe del Agua becomes a priest, and the town celebrates

It was two days setting up, blocking off the street in front of the church and the school, while huge tarps were strung overhead, and a great many chairs and tables brought in and arranged.

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The view from my living room window as things are being set up. As I post this, the tarp in the lower right has a live band playing and many are dancing.

There was much ceremony, and a lot of incense!

a program passed out led to much audience participation

As fireworks explode and a brass band bursting into music marks the moment of the young man becoming a priest, the local basket dancers break into dance. Hundred line up to personally congratulate the new priest, who can be seen in the background accepting congratulations, gifts, and many hugs.

The basket dancers my favorite part

Hundreds lined up to offer personal congratulations

The brass band
Congratulations continued while others went to the tables to wait for food

 The amazing dancing with baskets on heads went on and on

I think our young new priest stood for an hour receiving congratulations and gifts

 The gifts piled up!

The view from the ancient village well

 Many people wanted their photos taken with the new priest

 Meanwhile, many were busy getting ready to serve food to the multitudes

Where there is a celebrations, there are kids

After the food tables are cleared away, a long afternoon and night of dancing begins

GIANTS join in the dancing!

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